
I was born on: 3rd April 2014

I came here: May 2014

I like to: chase the red dot

I don’t like you to: try and touch me

I found my forever home: not yet…

Madison is a beauty of a cat whom you cannot miss when you go into the room, even if she’s very quiet and withdrawn. She has white socks and very sad eyes, and she usually sits under a table or in a basket from where she watches us without blinking, without moving.

She came to us more than 4 years ago, together with her sister and brother, who were adopted pretty fast. But she stayed and will probably be with us for many years to come, as she is a shy, fearful cat, who doesn’t trust people and cannot be cuddled.

She doesn’t always run from us, our sweet Madison, only when we try to touch her. But if you just pass by her little basket, she looks at you with her big eyes, holding her breadth, but she does not run away. And when it’s dinner time, she waits for us patiently to notice her and to put her very own bowl of food in front of her – because she does like eating with more cats from one plate.

She prefers her basket and her peace, but she does not hesitate when it comes to a good play. Whether she is running after a string or she’s trying to catch the red dot, playing really gives her pleasure and for that, she is willing to overcome even her fears – it seems her hunter instinct is still a strong one. When we see her playing, it’s as if we’d go back in time and see the kitten in her, the one who is playing without any worries or fears whatsoever.

What a shame! Had she been adopted three or four years ago, our Madison would have been a quiet, playful, and we think, a friendly cat by now. Maybe, who knows, she will once have this chance, but it will be much harder for her after so many years in the shelter. She will need more patience, more understanding as time goes by. And yet, it is not impossible that one day our beautiful Madison will meet that wonderful human who will fall in love with her on the spot, and say, “Come home with me, beautiful little girl!”

Adopting a cat from our shelter can only be done through an adoption contract. Why? Because we care! The conditions imposed by the Friends of Cats Association are easy to meet when the person who wants to adopt is a responsible human being and really loves cats.

Thank you!

The volunteers